Don’t Get Too Excited; You Are Not Yet Home

Don't Get Too Excited; You Are Not Yet Home.

A Passionate Word Of Encouragement For The Discouraged

Life is like a coin with sides of both good and bad. Sometimes situations might be in our favour, and at other times, they might not be. Whatever the case, we should never relax or be discouraged until we reach our desired destination.

In other words, if situation is in your favour today, do not relax because you’re not there yet, and if, on the other hand, things seem unpleasant, do not be discouraged because the script has not been concluded. So, the tide can (and will) change to favour if you keep moving and focusing on your destination.

I found the story of Henry Clay Morrison and his wife interesting and encouraging for anyone discouraged about the unfairness of life, especially my Christian brethren, who had served the Lord God faithfully but got little to no reward.

I pray the Holy Spirit touches your heart and encourage you to keep moving as you read IJN.

After forty years of faithful service to the Lord as a missionary to Africa, Henry Morrison and his wife were returning to New York. Henry told his wife as the ship neared the dock, “Look at that crowd. They haven’t forgotten about us”.

However, unknown to Henry, the ship also carried President Teddy Roosevelt stepped from the boat with great fanfare; as people were cheering, flags were waving, bands were playing, and reporters were waiting for his comment, Henry and his wife slowly walked away unnoticed.

They hailed a cab, which took them to the one-bedroom apartment the mission board had provided. Over the next few weeks, Henry tried but failed to put the incident behind him. He was sinking deeper into depression when one evening, he said to his wife, “This is all wrong. This man comes back from a hunting trip, and everybody throws a big party. We give our lives in faithful service to God for all these many years, but no one seems to care”.

His wife cautioned him that he should not feel this way. Henry replied, “I know you’re right, but I just can’t help it. It just isn’t right”. His wife said, “Henry, you know God doesn’t mind if we honestly question him. You need to tell this to the Lord and settle it now. You’ll be useless in His ministry until you do”.

Henry Morrison then went to his bedroom, knelt, and poured his heart out to the Lord. “Lord, you know our situation and what’s troubling me. We gladly served you faithfully for years without complaining. But now, I just can’t get this incident out of my mind…” After about ten minutes of fervent prayer, Henry returned to the living room with a peaceful look on his face.

His wife said, “it looks like you’ve resolved the matter. What happened? Henry replied, “the Lord settled it for me. I told Him how bitter I was that the President received this tremendous homecoming, but no one even met us as we returned home. When I finished, it seemed the Lord put His hand on my shoulder and simply said, ‘But Henry, you are not home yet!”

To my discouraged brothers and sisters in faith, I will say find strength in God and do not be discouraged because we’re not home yet. And to my brethren rejoicing for the success achieved, I’m also happy for you and rejoice with you too. But it is not yet time to congratulate ourselves, nor is it time to tell ourselves that we have done enough. Heaven is our home, and as long as we are not yet there, we have to keep pressing on. God help us…

And if you’re reading this and have not committed your life to Christ Jesus, I encourage you to do so now. God is the only one who cares for you more than anyone else, and He’s the only one with the most potent power to help you overcome your storm. Forget about other people’s experiences. You give Him a chance today and see that the difference is clear.

If you’re ready for Him, just say a simple prayer of faith: Lord God, I accept you as my Lord and Saviour today, come into my heart and reign eternally through Your Son, Jesus Christ.

If you said the prayer by faith, you are now a different person. Please, find a living Christian church and introduce yourself as a convert. They will take responsibility for your spiritual development if they are alive in Christ. You can comment below to let me know about your decision. I will find a way to contact you.

God bless you.

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Felix is a child of God, a pastor, a singer, and a part-time writer. He is married to Caro and they're blessed with three children. He and his family are in Ibadan city, Nigeria. They are serving God under Ibadan North Anglican Diocese (Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion). If you want to know more about him, connect through the address below or via the contact page. If you have been blessed through this content, try to make comment and share. Thanks and God bless you.

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