Depressed Girl

Easy and Practical Methods to Overcoming Fear and Worry

Usually, our fears and worries lie beneath the lame rationalization or pessimistic preoccupation of our minds. Similarly, the number of times you've considered trying something new but then decided against it due to worries about what other people would think is probably relatively high. Or perhaps you don't believe you can afford it. Or is it because you feel you don't have what it takes to make it in the real world? Here is the way out...

Beautiful woman smiling

11 Great Reasons You Should Cultivate a Smiling Habit

According to Ron Gutman: “your smile can be a predictor of how long you'll live, and a simple smile has a measurable effect on your overall well-being.” A medical friend once advised: "Always be happy and smile because you never know what advantage you're giving yourself; and who's falling in love with your smile." Is this true? That's the question this article aims to answer....

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