5 Ways To Overcome Life’s Difficulties

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It will help you make the right decision.

The levels or degrees of individuals’ struggles are not similar, but the truth is everyone goes through challenges at one point or the other because life challenges and struggles are inevitable.

It doesn’t matter how hard you avoid it, you, like any other human, will face one obstacle or the other. You or someone else might cause the problem. The reality of the matter is that you are bound to face it.

One funny thing I observe about life struggles is; that you scaled through one problem does not exempt you from facing another one. But the good news is that each obstacle you face and overcome produces a better version of the most significant person in this world, and that is you.

While some go through a tough time and come out with a better version of themselves, others or some are not so lucky. The question is, what makes the difference between those who failed in their struggles and those who came out valiantly? Below are 5 ways to note.

Avoid Self Pitty

The first thing to stare clear of is the thought of feeling sorry for yourself. Because holding a pity party will do nothing to help you or your future. You will always be tempted to feel sorry for yourself during life’s challenges but try to avoid it because allowing it will drain your strength. Not only that, self-pity breeds self-condemnation and makes you feel you’re a total failure. It will also confuse your thought and blindfold your vision by making you think there is no hope. Hence, avoid self-pity.

Do Not Avoid The Pain

The second thing is never to ignore the pain, rather, embrace it. You waste your time trying to circumvent the pain. The bravest and the wisest way to victory over an obstacle is by confronting it. Because until you’re ready to go through it and face it squarely you cannot phase it out. I discovered something in life people who run from their problem can never overcome it. But those who summoned the courage to confront their problem always have a higher chance to conquer and live to tell the story. Soldiers believe that the best defense strategy is to attack the enemy. Likewise, the best way to overpower life’s difficulty is to face it. It’s painful, but it is the best way.

Avoid Self Comparison

You complicate your problem when you compare yourself with others. It makes you feel others are better off and you don’t worth standing in the class of your equals. Therefore, don’t compare yourself with others. Self-comparison steals your joy. It will make you feel inferior, resentful, jealous, and ineffective. Each of us is an individual with distinct features and life experiences. These life experiences distinguish us from others around us. Sure, we may share common interests, and we may even work in the same office. Even if two people are interviewing for the same job, the paths that led one to the interview and how the other person gets there are vastly different.

When we compare ourselves to others, we are denying our unique path and asking that the past be changed. The pressures we put on ourselves to be like people to whom we’re comparing ourselves can be a need to effect positive change, but they’re more likely to lead to feelings of low self-esteem. In such circumstances, we must remember that our self-worth is not determined by our status or our challenges. Though admiring the qualities in a colleague isn’t wrong, but limits how you do it. You’re entering a dangerous zone when you cross the limit and compare yourself with others.

Try To Be Happy

Excitement is one of the last things to think of when going through life’s struggle. You must be happy because it is one of your weapons for victory. It takes a merry heart to make an excellent decision in a critical time. It means you need to be excited about the good and the unpleasant situation and all around it because they will eventually produce a better version of yourself. Therefore, try to be happy, not because of the future possibility you envisage, but because of where you are right now. You must be merry because it goes a long way to shape the future. You must be excited because you’re the maker of your future. The designer of your masterpiece. The writer of your story. Be happy because your attitude now determines what happens in the future.

See Beyond The Moment

In conclusion, I will say, see beyond the current struggle and envisage a better future. See beyond the challenges because life situations are transient. The same applies to what you’re going through now. Therefore, be optimistic, believe in yourself, and believe in God. You will tell the story of your victory soon.


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Felix is a child of God, a pastor, a singer, and a part-time writer. He is married to Caro and they're blessed with three children. He and his family are in Ibadan city, Nigeria. They are serving God under Ibadan North Anglican Diocese (Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion). If you want to know more about him, connect through the address below or via the contact page. If you have been blessed through this content, try to make comment and share. Thanks and God bless you.

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