
To Be A Good Giver, You Must Learn How To Receive

When you see a generous giver who gives joyfully without ulterior motive. Then you have seen a man who had learned how to receive. It is good to learn how to give, and it is more blessed and fulfilling to be a giver because when you give, you put joy in someone’s heart and a smile on his/her face. Indeed, money or wealth does not bring happiness, but what you do with it does. At the end of everything, you’ll discover that the most fulfilling time of your life is when you do something, whether great or small, to...

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6 Wise Ways to Foster Vulnerability In Your Relationships

Do you struggle to achieve something great, and it's not working out the way you want, no matter how you try? The simple answer is because you have not found the right person with a solution to your quest. The day you find the right person, your puzzle will unravel and clear like the dawn of the day. I know the question in mind, how do I find the right person who has the answer to my quest?...

11 Signs That pexels-vjapratama-935789 Determine If Your Relationship Is Healthy or Not

11 Signs That Determine If Your Relationship Is Healthy or Not

Relationship is imperative in a human’s life because God created us to depend on one another for survival; hence, no one can live without a relationship. However, the relationship you keep can determine the degree of your happiness and fulfilment in life. A healthy relationship can prolong a man’s life and help him make significant achievements with little effort. But a toxic or unhealthy relationship can shorten...

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