Great Results of Letting Your Actions Do The Talking

Loving Couple Looking At Each Other

My wife is a devout follower of the Christian faith.

Richard stated, “

My wife is a devout follower of the Christian faith.

She gives me the freedom to live my life. She doesn’t discuss anything biblical with me. She never curses me. She esteems me as her husband and always seeks my permission before going to church, driving, or doing anything else. My clothes are still being washed by her. Because she is a faithful follower of Christ, she has never thrown away any beer in the fridge.

She has never turned me down for sex because I was drunk. That lady is a devout Christian.” His pals ceased to laugh. “Are you serious?” Daniel enquired, “I believe she claims to be Christian because you haven’t put her faith to the test. She’s faking it.” “No, no, no. She doesn’t put on a show. She simply leads a Christian life “Richard defended himself.

“How about putting her faith to the ultimate test to see if she’s the real deal?” “That’s something I would never do to my wife.,” Andrew sneered. She is a lovely lady. Rich admitted,

“Right now, I’m ashamed to even bring beer into the fridge,” adding, “I’m ashamed to even bring beer into the fridge again.” “I had a feeling you were lying to us,” John said, mockingly. “All right, guys, we’ll put her to the test,” Richard agreed resignedly. I can assure you, however, that we will not be able to break her.

The First Stage of the Examination

 The tests began. Richard and his friends came into the house with soiled shoes; they ate all relish meant for the whole day, drank beer in the living room, and left it very messy. Richard’s wife never complained or showed a sad face. She was always glad. In her heart, her usual song is “MUST JESUS BEAR THE CROSS ALONE, AND ALL THE WORLD GO FREE.”

Stage 2:

Richard arrived with his friends at 11:30 p.m. on Saturday. He awoke his sleeping wife and demanded that she prepare an African delicacy for his three friends. His wife was never unhappy about Richard’s demands.

She completed this task and then directed her husband and his friends to eat. On the other hand, Richard grabbed the plates and threw them down, yelling that the food was undercooked and that she would have to start over. But his wife knelt in front of him and said, “Please accept my apologies, honey.

I never intended to make you feel embarrassed in front of your friends. I apologize for the undercooked food. I’ll make another meal for you.” Andrew was the one who started crying. Then he was joined by Daniel and John. They cried out and threw themselves on the floor, their hands raised in surrender above their heads.

Richard, her husband, shattered uncontrollably as well. “I want to serve the same God that you do. Please, lead me to him, “Tears streamed down John’s cheeks as he spoke.

Andrew said the same thing and took over the rest of the task.

That day, they accepted Christ. They experience a rebirth. This story teaches us that sometimes God intentionally puts us in difficult situations for a reason so we can win souls for Him.

The story above is a lesson for women who pray in tongues for hours but rain abuses on their husbands at the slightest provocation. Let us bring our husbands to our homes by living out the faith we profess. Your lousy attitude kills him more than your rights and the family you’re trying to protect.

If you enjoyed the story, please share it with others to inspire them.

God bless you.

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Felix is a child of God, a pastor, a singer, and a part-time writer. He is married to Caro and they're blessed with three children. He and his family are in Ibadan city, Nigeria. They are serving God under Ibadan North Anglican Diocese (Church of Nigeria Anglican Communion). If you want to know more about him, connect through the address below or via the contact page. If you have been blessed through this content, try to make comment and share. Thanks and God bless you.

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